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Judith and Robert RAYMOND 's Travel log

Lake Ballard. What a place. We took a few days off from detecting and went 200km's to see this wonder.  It was well worth it. The weather was lovely, views where we parked, great and the walk around the salt lake to view these structures was well worth the effort. Each sculpture represents a degree of the compass. Very cleverly done.

Looking for gold is not as esy as it was a few years back. There are so many people doing this hobby. Here is some examples of the kind of ground we found gold in.  One was a patch where I found 12 pieces. It is hard work as you have to concentrate on sound and sometimes walk for miles.

We met a old Prospector Pete and his wife Chrissy at Val and Al"s house. I helped them with their computor. This couple over 70. They invited us to go and stay with them after we came back from Lake Ballard. We did and stayed a couple of nights but had to leave as the animals where very noisy in the night. The geese were doing it at 3.30am and the little cock rooster was learning to crow at 4.00am. It was a great experience with all the sick animals Chrissy looks after and Pete's knowledge of prospecting

Time off again and off to Sandstone to have a look around. Stayed in a caravan park for a week, good to have power, and water laid on. No gold found here, but much needed rest and relaxation. We did go for several drives around the area and up to a claim 100km away to have a look. Then we went up to Wiluna and a further 250 kms north and the on to the Canning Stock Route. We were away from Leonora for just over 2 weeks. We stopped over to look at some of the deep old mines.


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