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Judith and Robert RAYMOND 's Travel log

Wednesday 1st June 2005

Well it seems, we are leaving earlier each morning, this morning was 8.05. Only a few ks today as we are nearly at Mt Isa. 252ks. The contour of the land changes here and its up hills and around corners. Something we are not used to lately We have nearly run out of water, and our petrol was getting low just as well with all these hills. However the truck goes really well and it doesn’t seem like any effort pulling the van. We do go through a quite a bit of petrol.. Still it is more interesting than the last few days. Going to stop here for 2-3days so we can have a break for the truck and driving. We arrived at Mt Isa at 11am and pulled into the caravan park we stayed at some 28 years ago. We stayed just down a little bit and on the opposite side of the lane. It has grown about 5 times in size and has a lot of permanents in. The swimming pool is still there and the little office. Did the washing; this is a good place to met people, the laundry. Changed the flannelette sheets back to cotton ones and the winter duvet to a summer one. Checked all the wheels and tyres of both vehicles. The temperature is nice. Not to hot and not to cool. Just right. The camp here is $20.00 per night with free afternoon tea and free night tour of the town. So we went to the afternoon tea at 4pm then on the tour at 5.45pm. They took us to see the sunset at the lookout, then through the mine complex, which is hugh and then up to see where they slime dump. There waste product. What a sight. Dark night and then this big truck comes up and backs into the pit and dumps this 1100 degrees stuff into this pit. Well it looks like lava and its bright orange and we could feel the heat from where we were about 100 metres away. They then put water on it to cool it down and they dump one truck full every 28 minutes. Home again and bed.

Thursday 2nd June 2005

Great sleep. Up early showered and feed ready to see the town. Went to the bank to check our credit card amount and I couldn’t get into the site by internet. So I went next door to the bank and the assistant manager rang up and helped me out. Gave me a new password and said to try again. Back to the internet place still no go. Back to the bank and again he rang they had given me the wrong customer number so he went ape and away I went again. This time it worked. All this took 1 and ½ hours. So we had subway for lunch ( yummingy ah Cameron) then to the Info center. These are great places to go when you first come to a place. Booked a surface tour of the mine for Robert tomorrow and then went to have a look at the slang dump again. It was just about as impressive in the day and the night. Got a grease gun from supercheap, it didn’t work so Rob had to take it back. I did the accounts for our trip.Rob went a filled up with Petrol. We had a Woolworths 4c off so its’ worth using when you are getting 130 litres. Topping up the sub tank as well as filling the main tank. I’, going grocery shopping tomorrow while Rob goes to the mine. We went out to the Irish Pub for dinner. Quite nice really big. 5 places to eat and 360 poker machines. We only put in $5.00 didn’t get anything big left them alone. The 6 year old next to us in the camper woke up several times in the night crying. Must have been having bad dreams. Still good sleep apart from that.

Friday 3rd June 2005

Warm 30degree today. Doesn’t feel like it. Rob went to the surface tour of the mine and really enjoyed it. I did the shopping, checked the emails and got a hair cut. Just finished in time to pick him up. We unpacked the groceries and had 40 winks as it was quite hot. Then went to afternoon tea, had drinks with the new neighbours and had Chicken Filo’s for dinner. Watched the Collingwood and Gellong AFL game on TV then bed. Not a exciting day and not a great night either. A small girl about 15 months cried all night. Well until 2.30 we=hen they took her to the hospital. And the neighbours next door kept zipping their windows open and shut on their Popup. So we got up at 6am and had shower and feed then left at 7.30.

Saturday 4th June 2005

Warm again today and since we’re heading into the sun it really hot in the truck. So the mornings are the best time to travel. Heaps of White maggots on the road, this is what the truckies call the pop up caravans. They seem to travel in pairs and don’t leave any room between them for someone to pass. And they crawl along at 80-90 ks. Rob usually goes about 95-105 depending on the road conditions. This will be the longest stretch on road with not a lot of petrol stops along the way. So you have no choice but to pay the price they want. Our first fill up was Cammonweal and it cost $1.40 per litre instead of $1.12 – 1.18 we have been \paying. Quite a jump. Nothing on this road to see so put the hammer down and away we went. Good roads after Cammonweal. Before this it was 100ks of single lane sealed narrow roads. Luckily we didn’t met many road trains. Next stop Barkley Station. We were told petrol here was a silly price, so thought we’d only get a little. We found it was only 1c more than the last stop so filled up to be on the safe side. Put our watches back ½ hour today. We still stopped for the night about 3pm qld time. We like to be off the road between 3.30 and 4pm. We did a record 550 ks today. We stopped at a freedom park about 70ks from Three Ways Road. That is the road that leads to Ayers Rock one way and Darwin the other. A nice shady spot away from the generators, but I can see why they have them on, it is so hot and they put their air conditioning on to cool things down before night. We had a cold shower each. Rob not to good. Went sleep at 8pm while I read till 10pm.

Sunday 5th June 2005

Rob not to good at all today. But no use staying here its hot and theres nothing to do or see. We think he may have food poisoning but then why haven’t I got it. I have had the same as him. He was up half the night vomiting and diarrhea. Hope it doesn’t last to long. So a slow start this morning. Rob didn’t get up till 9am. On our way to Three Ways Road today, then up towards Katherine. Got to Three ways and Rob had a sleep Off again and still he wanted to drive. The landscape was changing and we got to Elliot where we though we might stop but changed our minds when we saw it. It was to early to stop anyway. Then straight roads and changing landscape kept our interest for a while. Found a freedom park but it was right on the road and to noisy so we went down to the historic town that Kerry Packer owns and we couldn’t stay there the night either, so on we went. About 15ks up the road was a track down to the radio repeater so we went down there and found a lovely spot to park. No traffic noise and no neighbours with generators. Repeater 8302. Rob still not well. He went for a walk but no to far. Looks terrible, he was in bed by 7.30 pm again tonight I hope he feels better tomorrow. He slept through till midnight and then he had chest pains. Oh not again. Then he remembered Dads chest pains in the South Island and that they were from driving so he calmed down and we went back to sleep hoping that that was all it was. I played cards till 10 pm. We slept till 7am

Monday 6th June 2005

Rob still no to good. Weather is fine and sunny ( I think I’m going to get sick of saying this.) Left 8302 repeater repeater stop at 10am. Rob drove for about 50 ks then finally I was allowed to take over. He must be sick. He is getting bad stomach pains. Nothing much to see today but we stopped several times for Rob to stretch. Went off the main highway to Daley Waters. This is another old town but is still working. The pub is something else with all its old stories and man sitting out the front burning paintings onto soft wood. Then on to Mataranka. Abo town. Got petrol and few odds and ends and the shop assistant gave me $20,00 to much change. So when I took it back after lunch and once I’d realised what she’d done, she said I would be one in a hundred to return money. Usually she gets complaints that she has short changed people. We set off and past a sign that said Springs, so since I was driving we turned around and went back and had a look. ( Robs not good at turning and going back) What a surprise. A great big water hole you could swim in and was as clear as. So we had a swim and then walked the 900metres around the spring back to the caravan. I couldn’t walk fast enough as it was all stagnant water and I was not waiting around to be bitten by mosquitoes. With Rob refreshed he drove for the next 40 ks to the next freedom park spot, it was terrible so we drove on another 10ks and found this road with a gate that said Please keep this gate Shut. Well we did we went though and found a lovely spot by a implement shed out of view from the passing traffic. Couldn’t walk anywhere because the grass was so long and there could have been snakes. So sat on the chairs outside and had tea. A few flies but getting less as we go on. Rob slept better tonight. Hope he is over it tomorrow.

Tuesday 7th June 2005 (Sharleens’ Birthday)

Up and off before any workers came to the shed. Gone by 7.10am. Phoned Sharleen at 7.45 when we got into Katherine. Spoke to Zac and Jasmin and they are all good. Just about over the cough Jasmin said. Shortest distance traveled yet. Waited around for the visitors center to open and had a look around the town. Clean this morning as it had just been washed, as the pavement outside the pubs are still wet. Decided to go the Katherine Gorge and stay a couple of nights, as there is more to do there. This is a rest day. So took it easy. Rob a bit better but not right yet. Booked onto the Boat ride up the Kathrine Gorge at 3pm for 2 hours. The gorge was really nice. It was a lot cooler in the boat than at the caravan park. There it was about 32 degrees with no wind or breeze. There were lovely spots up the gorge and with the sun shining on one side of the gorge each face was different. It was black where the rain had come down, and grey where the rains had been the year before. Some of the rocks look red some brown. Water level in the gorge is as low as it was last August. They didn’t have the normal amount of rain this wet season. Had dinner outside in the cool. Blew a fuse while I was cooking as we had the Air Con on along with the fry pan and the microwave, to much so boom. Got it sorted and have learnt not to use those appliances while the air con is on. Bit noisy tonight. To many Air Cons on as it is as hot as hadis. Had to lay on a wet towel to get to sleep. Then all the zip zaps kept opening and closing their doors. Camper like mum & dad had, we call them zip zaps because that what the doors sound like each time you open them. Rob a bit better today so it looks like he’s on the mend at last.

Wednesday 8th June 2005

Well we’ve been on the road for just over 2 weeks now and still love it. Even though we haven’t done much or seen a lot of things in that time. We knew it would be like this until we got to here. We have traveled some many kilometers to get this far. I think we only have 600 or so to go till we finally get to the Kimberlys. Its another very warm and dry day. We went for a 3.8 km walk this morning at 8am right up to the top (the plateau) of the gorge and looked down. Great views, but what a climb. Then instead of coming down the same way we went the long way home. Across the plateau for a bit then started down the other side then back to the park. Rob checked the oil, tyres, filled the water tanks etc. Then we had a lazy afternoon. I finished this newsletter up to date and the financials. Had drinks with the neighbours next door. They have rented their house in Coffs Harbour and are traveling for a year. There are lots of Aussies doing this. There is so much work around here; The notice board said be prepared when walking for 50 degrees, just as well we went early.Rang Jan to see how things were going. Alls Ok. Then rang Roger and Susan and the two lovely grandchildren before they went to bed. It was great hearing their voices. We do miss them. We are now 2.1/2 hours behind NZ. In the next couple of days we will be 4 hours behind. You are not allowed to take fruit or vegetables into Western Australia, so we are eating all the salads and fruit we have. Its 8 o‘clock here at the moment and still 26 degrees. So looks like another warm night to sleep.

Thursday 9th June 2005

Last night the lights went out again and we blew another fuse. So we had to buy 5 more just in case today. Its another fine warm day. We had a better sleep last night as there were not so many air conditioners going and the zip zaps were not right beside us. We had rental vans all around us except for the couple next door. We left quite early this morning but did not rush. We wanted to find a auto electrician if we could and see if he could shed any light on the fuses blowing. We drove around Katherine and finally found one on the main road out. The place was flat out but the boss came out look at it for us. He put a circuit breaker in, instead of the fuses and said if we had any trouble to bring it back and he would look at it further. He would rather we stay in Katherine for the night to check and see if that worked but we decided to carry on. We started off again and about 50 ks down the road we remembered we needed to do a few things in Katherine before we left as it’s the only big town before Broome. To late, didn’t want to turn around so on we went. The roads are getting boring. I said to myself only 500 B…….ks to go. But hang on, what do I see. Wow. The landscape is changing for the better. Its marvelous. We took some photos of the large red gorges and bigger trees. It s getting very hot traveling. We have to have the air conditioning on. Stopped several times to stretch and replenish our water bottles. There are not any real good park overs in this area and its all Abo country and I didn’t feel safe stopping anywhere. So we pulled in at Timber Creek motor camp. Well that was a stupid thing to do. The toilet where old and horrible and I wouldn’t ask my worst enemy to shower in the showers. I showered in the van. Rob went to watch the crocodiles getting fed. I didn’t go down to the river, as there were Mosquitoes down there. Had a good nights sleep, the park was packed.

Friday 10th June

Well up and atom. We had to fill up with petrol before we left. Well there were abos fighting, some swearing and one drunk driving like a mad man. I couldn’t wait to get away from there. We think we have problems with the Maoris; we have nothing compared with this lot. I would invite 90% of the Maori people to my house I would not invite 1% of the abos we have seen anywhere near my place. They are dirty, swear like something else. And look at you like you’re trash. Though one lady, held the door open for me when I went in to pay for the petrol, but boy did she stink. Ants hills are appearing this trip. Not big ones but more of them. We got on the road to Lake Argyle and the landscape turned green. Not green as we now it over there in NZ but greener than we have seen for a few thousand kilometers. Then we saw it. What sight for sore eyes. This enormous Lake. Blue and can be and flat calm. It was worth waiting for. The van park wasn’t much, The chap had only had it for 8 months as had just renewed his lease from 2 years to 50 years, so he is just starting to do it up. He is building new everything. Hotel, motel and new amenities for the caravan park and they need doing, however, they are very clean. Not like Timber Creek. He is spending something like 15 million dollars in the next year. We booked in for one night but may stay two or more. This is supposed to be winter but someone forgot to tell the weather. We were going for a swim in the lake but they told us there is only about 25 thousand crocs in there. But it is supposed to be sage. I took one look at the dirty water and said no way. I had a cold shower instead. Went for a ride around the dam face, and spillway then booked in for the sunset cruise tomorrow evening. So we will be staying another night. We had fish, barmundi, for dinner. The young chps across the way went fishing and had to much so gave us some. Its not my cup of tea. (then I’ve gone off drinking tea). Went up to the lookout to watch the sunset, here it sets at 5pm. The sun rises at 5.30am. It only got to 34 Degrees today. Not to bad, just b….hot.

Saturday 11th June 2005

Well it wasn’t as hot today. We had cereal for breakfast, and I supposed your’e wandering why I’m telling you this, well we had to have curried eggs for lunch as we have no food. Remember they take all your fruit and veges away at the border. The shop here is very basic and seen that its winter they haven’t go a lot of stock. However the caravan park in nearly fill and they weren’t prepared. Went on the sunset cruise at 2.45pm and it was delightful. They told us a lot about the dam and its construction, the wild life around the dam. The buried stations etc, and the formation of the rocks and why they picked that particular gap to dam up. Its 21 times the size of the Sydney Harbour and we could only saw 10% of it. Just on sunset the boat stopped and the ones who wanted to have a swim could. I chickened out but Robert swam with the crocs. The croc don’t go to far off shore they have to have somewhere to climb onto, like a bank so it was very safe way out in the middle. Got back about 6.15 and had fish and chips for tea at the shop, come pub, come restaurant. Watched a game of AFL with some of the people we met then off back to the van and watched some TV. Cooled down tonight so had a great sleep. We’re t off tomorrow to Kunnurra. It a big drive nearly 70 ks.

Sunday 12th June 12, 2005

Well we got here to Kunnurra very early as we woke up with the sun and decided to get going. All settled in to our new home in a lovely caravan park here. Very clean, shady and quiet and right on the lake. Rang home to mum and dad and Sarah. It was great to hear you all sounding so good. It puts our mind at ease while we’re in the Kimberleys. We should be back here in about 18 days. We are leaving the day after tomorrow. We went out ot see a couple of places were we can leave the caravan. We can leave it in this caravan park but it’s not as safe as the one out of town about 10ks. We have to pay $5.00 per day but that’s cheap insurance knowing that the people live on the premises and it’s fenced in and away from the early settlers. We then went onto the Ivanhoe River Crossing, which we have seen so many photos of. Its the crossing of the big river to farmland. It isn’t always open but it was today. It was about 30 meters long and single lane and 350 to 400 deep. Shall we cross or shan’t we were thinking but you know Robert he wanted to go across. We waited until some else went through and then we did. No sweat. If we fell in there were only salt water crocs that would get us. Safely across and back, no drama. We checked the emails and replied to the one that needed to be.  Well its 34 degrees and its hot as. Went to watch the sunset at the lookout and yes you guessed it. Robert stood on a snake coming back up the hill at dusk. Be it only 6"s long and Rob only had thongs on. We must take our shoes in the truck from now on. It’s now 7.30 and its still 30 degrees. We have had to air-conditioning on but it’s noisy so we turn it off and put the fan on. We are enjoying it and are looking forward to seeing the sights that most people we have spoken to who have come over the Kimberleys say it worth it.

Monday 13th June 2005

Time to send the last newsletter to you all and what a drama that turned out to be. Nothing is straightforward. Went to the information center’s Internet and they were having a conference so couldn’t use the laptop connection. So off to the IT and Travel agents and had trouble connecting. The tech man wasn’t in so thought I would have to leave it. Wanted to get into my bank account over here but forgot my client number so got p off and went and did the grocery shopping, etc. Then found the number and went back to the IT shop and the tech man was there so he got me connected so I hope you all enjoyed reading it after that lot. It cost me a whole $3.00 not bad ahy, cheaper than the post. Filled up both tanks with petrol and it cost us the most so far $163.00

By the time we got to the van it was lunchtime and time for a swim. We hadn’t started to pack the van for the trip yet. We couldn’t decide where to leave the van. Here it is so much more convenient and only $2.00 per day but not that secure and at the Barra Barra Farm it was away from the main road etc for $5.00 night. So we sleep on it. Rob took the seats out of the cruiser and we packed the trunks up with the food, plates and everything we think we may use. We are only taking one suitcase of clothes etc. So will have to do without a lot of stuff. Off for another swim, far to hot then had a beer with the neighbours, we do that a lot about 4.30pm then finished loading up the truck. We finally got everything done about 8pm. Read my book then bed. Last night is a comfortable bed. Next for weeks we’ll be sleeping on a air bed in the tent.

his is the day Robs been looking forward to. We finally decided to take the van to the more secure Barra Barra van storage. It is about 12kms out of town, so left about 7.45am. Got back to town and got some lettuce and fruit and had morning tea. Its abut 200ks to El Questro where we are staying for the night. It’s a wildlife park run by the station of only 1million acres. Not to big. Got there early enough and set up camp in the sea eagle camp. That is a private area all on your own, they name them after birds. It has its own river frontage where you could swim at your own risk. Only fresh water crocs inhabit this far up the river. We never saw any of we went for a dip and it was nice and cold. Then we went off 4W Driving. 19.3 kms really 4wd tracks to a gorge called Explosion Gorge. Sometimes the track was corrugated and sometime we had to what out for the sharp rocks, they will slice your tyres. Wow what a sight. It was an awesome afternoon. The gorges have to be seen, to be believed. The colour is spectacular and everyone different. We have crossed so many rivers and waterways. Some deep some long, some just creeks. Then we went see the sunset and it turned out to be nothing. To may clouds to be a great sunset. There is so much to do and so many gorges to see. We are going walking up one tomorrow for 3 hours. Looking forward to it. Lit a fire and had a nice tea then to bed early. Great sleep it was a lot cooler tonight.( Eat your heart Roger and Jim) This 4wd is real men stuff.Slept well,


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