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Judith and Robert RAYMOND 's Travel log

You can see why we stayed at Malcom Dam and then returned again to stay maybe another 2 weeks.  The view from our windows.  It was a great place to stranded without a vehicle. A popular overnight stay for caravaners and travellers. 

This is where we stayed for just over a week and Robert found his first piece of Gold. As you can see Robert Loves his fires. Plenty of wood around to fuel them.  We had to be careful not to fall down these mine shafts that were all over the fields.

Leonora and a day out at the horse races. The two horses I bet on and won which our friends own. Fiona is receiving the prize of the day with City Plan. The grandstand was something else. It had 4 canvas deck chairs and 4 old padded seats for the 1st class then old wooden planks for the rest. We had a beer with them at their horse float come motor home after the races.

The next morning we all went to Hoover House for BBQ breakfast which costs $2.00 each The wind was cold but the company, the food and the setting was great.  It was attached to the old museum which Robert was taken with and the super pit. This is at the ghost town of Gwalia. .

Here is some of the reasons we came over to W A  The piece in the middle is really fat and weighs over 1/2 ounce. It has iron stone around it. We have not cleaned it as yet. So you can understand why we are happy about this find.  The ones on the left our mind the ones on the right Roberts. The one in the middle team work. (photo’s do not do these justice)


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