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Judith and Robert RAYMOND 's Travel log

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Hi well just a little about us.  Robert & I have been married for 42 years in January 2010  We met when we were very young and married at the tender ages of 19 and 17. We have 2 wonderful children, Roger our eldest and our adorable sweet Sharleen. They both have given us 3 grandchildren each. So we have 3 grandsons and 3 granddaughters. We are really lucky as we see them all quite a bit.  Roger and his wife Susan and their 2 children live in Whangarei NZ and Sharleen and her husband Glenn and their 3 children live in Australia.  Roger's other child lives in Nelson and we keep in touch with her.

We really love to travel. Our first trip was traveling around Australia in a caravan and 4 WD in 1977 when our children were only 5 and 7. We circumnavigated the country and got home sick for NZ but 2 years after that we were homesick for Australia so back we went again this time for 3 & 1/2 years. We worked our way around. We lived in Sydney for 18 months then we set off and went up to Ayers Rock where we worked for a further 7 months then traveled back through Townsville to Brisbane and back to New Zealand. We have traveled quite extensively throughout the world. We have been to Europe twice, Egypt, and America. We traveled from Washington DC to Seattle via Victoria falls, Rushmore, Calgary and Vancouver.  There was a plane strike on so we hired a car and did 12000 miles.  We then flew down to Las Vegas for 4 days. This was the second time we had been to the states. We also visited Florida, NASA, Key West, New Orland's and New York. What a great country. We have also traveled the Pacific Islands quite a number of times. We have spent 12 months over the last 4 years in traveling New  Zealand in our Motor home doing over 50000 kms around this wonderful country of ours.. We have both been in the building game, both spec building and building for clients as well as building our own Motels and several homes for ourselves. We had a building company for a number of years with our Son Roger and then in 2004 we sold out to him.  In 1974 Judy went into Real Estate. I bought my first Real Estate Company in 1989. Judy was Boss and owner and Robert continued with the building company, then he joined her in real estate 1992. We bought a company called Jno Grey First National and built it up to be one of the biggest in Whangarei at that time. Sold it in 1998 and Judy went into Training, real estate management and staff, along with shoe stores, department stores, and doing a stint on the conference scene for Radio Network NZ amongst others for 2 years.  We did the Cape York trip, Kimberley's, and the Simpson desert. So the trips in 2007 onwards will be different as there is no business to worry about. We sold our motor home prior to coming to Australia this time in 2007. I still do speaking engagements and conferences and the odd bit of training. To discuss what I do further please get in touch by going to contact us page.  We have been in our property now for 14 years. This is the longest we have lived in one place


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