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Judith and Robert RAYMOND 's Travel log

Our trip up to the Kimberley’s starting 24th May 2005

Our route will take us some 4500ks towards the West then up North and over to the West again. We are not taking the direct route as we have been there last year so are going a different but longer way. The first 2 days will be going over the same road then we get into new territory.

Tuesday the 24th May 200

On the road again Lismore to Bonshaw freedom parking area, 276 ks . We traveled about 50ks and stopped to check the van. All's well. We are a little apprehensive after our last van. We past through Casino, the town is growing so fast. The Motor home Association has some land there and this is helping the town grow. We then stopped at Tenterfield for lunch and a stretch. It was so cold last year when we called in here, but today was warm. The van tows very well. It’s really hilly and windy this way. We found our first home for the night at Bonshaw Weir. There is nothing here but a Weir. (dam) We thought we would be the only ones here as it is out in the wops’ wops. But when we arrived there were already 6 vans. We went for a long walk up the road and back. In fact we walked from NSW to Queensland. We crossed the river, which is the border. There are generators here. Noisy things. Still, we put on our walkmans and went off to sleep. 

Had breakfast then packed up and bugger. No go, the battery in the truck was dead. Good lesson. We had left the caravan attached all night and the fridge had drained the battery. Luckily we had the duel battery, so we put the jumper leads on and we were away. The neighbours had been out catching fish already and we had to take a photo of one. Very friendly bunch. We left there at 9.25am

It started to warm up about 10.30am. The roads are narrow in parts but mostly straight now. We had 7 kms of Metal or should I say dust and corrugations. Every time you go over a bump the radio aerial in the caravan goes up automatically. So we will have to take the face off the radio to stop this happening. We got as far as Talwood today. That’s 216 kms. This freedom park has power and hot showers supplied for nothing. Queensland encourages freedom camping. Went for a walk around the town and there where dogs everywhere. I mean real mean dogs, they came running out at you. It wasn’t a pleasant walk I can tell you, they where all white man dogs. There is a lot of pig hunters around this area. We went up to the local pub for dinner and to watch the State of Origin. What a education. The atmosphere was something else. It was smoky as hell. So at half time we went into the dinning room and watched it from there. We could still here the noise etc that was going on in the public bar, and we were joined by the truckers who stop there overnight. We got home at 10.30pm. Warmer tonight until 5am then the temp drops drastically. There was only one other van with us tonight.

Cold morning, didn’t warm up till after again this morning. We arrived at St George at morning tea time. We were walking up the road towards the information center and this council worker asked us to join them for morning tea. Apparently Aussie was going for the Genius Book of records for the biggest number of people having morning tea. So we had muffins and scones and Rob had a cup of coffee with the council workers and the information staff among others. We met some very friendly people here. We then walked around the river front which was done very nicely and back to town to look for a headlight. No such luck. So onwards and upwards towards Mitchell. The road was not shown as sealed on the maps, however the locals said it was finished and a good road. This proved to be true. We only had 70ks in all one single lane seal the rest was wide two lines. We were told about a station half way through this road where you can stop and have lunch and there is a little café. Well we found it and had to go 3 ks on dirt road to get there. The café was closed due to no available cooks. But the owner said we could walk around and have lunch here etc so we did. Very pleasant. Only a small station 17000 square kilometers. Got to Mitchell at 3.30pm and the camp was fill, but they sent us to the show grounds. This was better as there was so much more space and with them having 6 inches of rain in the last fortnight there was green grass. Good clean ensuites and only $11.00 for the first night and then the next two nights free. So we stayed 2 nights. Had a great sleep wasn’t so cold. Got the TV going very good reception. By the end of the day there were 20 plus vans, every shape and size. We made a rule 4 days on 3 days off per week. So tomorrow is our day off. Drove 326 ks today


After having a good nights sleep   Had a slow morning then after lunch went for a walk up town and to the Spa pool. There is an Artesian bore here. Walked around the river and took some photos of the painted bridge. All the history of the town is painted on the pillars, quite neat really. Then off for a swim and use the internet. Well it was so slow and really expensive. Had a lovely spa for 1¾ hours and talked to a few people who like us are traveling. In fact most of the 20 people in the spa were from the motor camp or show grounds. I can see why they give you a couple of free nights, we spend our money in the town anyway.  Most vans left this morning but they started to come again about 3 pm. A new lot of about 25 vans tonight. No driving today, great to have a day off.

Saturday 28th May 2005

Another cold morning seemed like a frost but no ice. We may have woken up to late to see it. Up and out of the park by 9.45 We are not in any rush today. There was a music festival on in town today but it was only the young children from around the area so decided not to stay. Did some grocery shopping then on our way. The shop lady said they had their very first frost for the year today. So no wander it was cold. We should have good roads to drive on today. We are taking the long way around through Morven, over to Charesville to take a look then up to Augathella and out at Barcaldine. ( this means nothing to you lot but reminds us which way we went.)

Stopped and had lunch just past Morven. We have just pasted a caravan that has broken its spring, and it bought back memories of us long ago, and all the broken springs we had. Do you remember that Sarah and Roger. We felt for them, they didn’t need our help as there were 3 vans together. So we carried on to Charlesville. It wasn’t that great a town to come 100 km’s out of our way to see. We walked around the park and went to the info center. It was getting late so we decided to look for a stopping place. The lady in the info center told us about some water holes. About 20ks away and good track to take a caravan down. We found this track and well we had to go over a muddy creek and some real rough wash outs to get a great spot by the river and away from the noise of the road trains. Lit a fire and cooked tea and sat and watched the fire do its little dances. Real quiet. Great nights sleep. Drove 215ksI don’t think the lady in the info place had ever been down that track or she wouldn’t have recommended it.

Sunday 29th May 2005

UP early 7.00am and went for long walk down the farm tracks. They followed the river. Didn’t see any wild life but heaps of tracks where they had been Kangaroos and emus. Still cold in the mornings, should be warming up soon. Tackled the track back to the main road. Only one real funny bit across the mud creek, could get stuck if not careful. Had to get out at the end of the track and scrap all the mud off the mud flaps and under the mudguards as it sticks and sets like concrete. There isn’t a lot of road trains on this road or any other traffic for that matter. Very quiet. Hope to get to Barcaldine today. We stopped at a roadhouse near Augethella and while I was paying for the petrol, Rob was helping a little old lady who had tripped on the concrete and had fallen. Luckily she wasn’t hurt to much, just a sore elbow. Onwards and upwards to Blackall. Rob went for a tour though the Sheep scouring plant while I read a book. Then we went to see the Black Stump. Well it wasn’t the real black stump as that burnt down a while back so they put a petrified log in its place. It was the original survey reference when they started to survey the Outback of Queensland. Stayed 20ks out of Barcaldine down the old road to a station arrived a 4 pm. Still very warm. Getting warmer as we go up. This station was only 400000 square kilometers. A bit bigger than the last one but still classed as small up here. Good spot to stop again out of the range of headlights and away from the road noise. Drove 371 ks Long day

Monday 30th May

Warm and sunny this morning. Great to be on the road at 8.45. It’s only a short drive to Longreach today. We arrived there at 10.30 and went to look through the QANTAS museum. This is the place where Qantas started. Thought it would take a hour or so but we didn’t leave there till 2.30pm I found it more interesting than the Hall of Fame we went to here last year. We also had a tour of a 747-200 Boeing aircraft and learnt all about the cargo hold, black box, which is orange, the cabling, galleries and the cockpit. How the wings are only held on by 3 bolts, and how it can fly with only one engine if it had to. It could glide from Melbourne to Sydney if it had to. All up it cost up $52.00 so not a bad days entertainment for that. We then went into town and go some groceries and some ulcer ointment for my mouth. Decided to stay at the same Freedom park we did when we came down last year. This time it was packed. Generators everywhere. Never mind we made it through the night. One generator went until 3 am in the morning. He wasn’t to popular with a lot of people. Don’t think he’ll be staying another night. We won’t be Quiet warm this afternoon and the sun sets a lot later here than at Sharleens. Watched a DVD about Misery Brothers, a comedy then bed. Warmest night so far. Nearly time to take off the flannelette sheets. Short drive today 135 ks

Tuesday 31st May

Up early this morning, Rob went for walk and Judy got breakfast and got things ready to leave.  Earliest get away so far. Hope to go as far as Kynuna today or thereabouts. Nothing to see much today so we thought. We stopped at Kynuna at the Blue Heelers Pub and what a pub. You sign the walls, ceilings or wherever you can. They have a surf life saving club here with no surf or water. The new owners have only been here 5 weeks. Then we came to McKinlay. This is where the pub in Crocodile Dundee is. Walkabout Hotel. The inside looks just like the movie. Way out in the sticks with old houses around, one petrol station and nothing much else. We didn’t feel like staying here so we went on until we came to a place just off the road behind a dirt heap, 60ks from Cloncurry. It turned out we could had gone down the station road and stayed there as they allow people to stay there and look for granite ( precious stones). However, we ran out of water this evening so we had to go into Cloncurry to refill so decided not to go back to the station. Flies are here by the dozens and they stick in your eyes and on your face. Couldn’t stay outside to long you’d get carried away by them. No generators today so should have a better sleep. Had nice BBQ tea then came inside and transferred the photos onto the computor and wrote text about each one. Bed 8.55pm Drove 459 ks What a long drive but good roads. Robs shoulders are getting sore.


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